
Content marketing tips & recommendations


AI | seo

How will ChatGPT impact content marketing & SEO? (5 Takes)

Get this in your inbox first. The newsletter is free! AI. It’s going to change content production! Our jobs are gone! We will soon be illiterate! By now you’ve heard about ChatGPT, one of the new features from OpenAI (maker of DALL-E, the AI image software). If not, here’s what it looks like. You type…

content marketing

Should content marketers be journalists?

My newsletter subscribers got this first! Sign up here for free. Okay, this post is inspired by John Bonini’s recent LinkedIn post. He talks about evaluating writers, which I’m not as interested in. I’m mostly interested in this: “The best writers are reporters, folks. Start screening for it.” That’s a good jumping off point, because the conversation…

content marketing | seo

What to do with “What is…” blog content & SEO

My newsletter subscribers got this first! Sign up here for free. Recently, my Twitter pal John Henry from Growth Plays pulled out a gem of a tweet thread. If you don’t know John Henry, he spends more time in large enterprise accounts than a raccoon in dirty dumpsters (that’s a compliment). His tweets were about “What is” content and their…