
What to do with “What is…” blog content & SEO

My newsletter subscribers got this first! Sign up here for free. Recently, my Twitter pal John Henry from Growth Plays pulled out a gem of a tweet thread. If you don’t know John Henry, he spends more time in large enterprise accounts than a raccoon in dirty dumpsters (that’s a compliment). His tweets were about “What is” content and their…


Everyone hates the SEO format. But every channel has a “format”

Everyone seems to hate SEO content these days.  A lot of “what is” articles and listicles with your product listed as #1.  Guilty as charged.  I do both of those things.  But here’s the crazy thing – it generally still works.  Here’s an update on one of my most successful posts. It’s still chugging along…


Hubspot Hit a Wall with Content Marketing. So They Bought The Hustle.

If you’re in content marketing, you must be familiar with Hubspot. They basically defined “inbound marketing” in the 2010s.  They relentlessly beat the drum about awareness, consideration, and decision content.  The playbook was this: the “writer” on the marketing team would go through Hubspot Academy to learn how to write content to address different parts…

How to use People Also Ask Questions from Google to Build Better Content Briefs

One thing I’ve been incorporating more into my briefs are questions. Turning to the People Also Ask (PAA) questions within Google can give you a great headstart on creating your briefs and more insights into what people are searching for. You are probably familiar with PAA questions even if they don’t show up on all…